
Obesity: A Chronic Disease in Need of Timely Treatment

Obesity: A Chronic Disease in Need of Timely Treatment

Obesity is not merely an aesthetic issue but a serious health condition that affects the entire body, often leading to various co-morbidities. While some individuals can successfully address it through dietary changes and increased physical activity, others require more advanced treatment approaches.

At Kardiolita Clinics in Kaunas, one of the most innovative weight loss solutions available is the Allurion programme, which enables patients to reduce their total body weight by 10-15% in just six months.

Dr. Aida Žvirblienė explains that the Allurion programme integrates multiple weight-loss strategies, including diet, physical activity, and behavioural and motivational support. A key component of its success is the use of a gastric balloon.

The procedure, which takes around 15 minutes, involves the patient swallowing a capsule containing a balloon attached to a thin catheter. Once the capsule is confirmed to be in the stomach, the balloon is inflated with liquid through the catheter and remains in place for four months. This creates a feeling of fullness, helping to reduce calorie intake. After 16 weeks, the balloon deflates on its own and is naturally excreted during bowel movements.

Throughout the programme, a team of specialists supports patients in developing sustainable eating habits and lifestyle changes. Modern technology plays a significant role, with a dedicated smartphone app, advanced body analysis scales, and a smart watch to track physical activity and sleep patterns.

For patients seeking even more effective and lasting results, cognitive behavioural therapy can be incorporated, further enhancing long-term weight maintenance.