Chondroplasty is a minimally invasive surgical procedure to repair and/or reshape damaged cartilage in a knee joint. Using arthroscopic technology, a surgeon removes damaged tissue from the joint. The procedure allows healthy cartilage to be able to grow in its place.
Indications for Chondroplasty
Cartilage damage can be caused by trauma, degenerative changes or inflammatory disorders. As damaged cartilage does not have a proper blood supply it can not heal on its own in the most cases. That is why medical intervention is necessary.
During the surgery
The surgery is usually performed by arthroscopy. During the minimally invasive procedure small incisions around knee are made. Through those incisions an arthroscope is inserted. Surgeon uses special tools to remove frayed cartilage or loose fragments, damaged cartilage. Once the procedure is done, surgeon closes the incisions with stitches.
Recovery from Chondroplasty
Patient can usually return to normal activities within three weeks. Since there are no large incisions, patient is able to recover quickly after the procedure.
Benefits of Chondroplasty
This surgical treatment can reduce joint pain, improve joint function. Also, chondroplasty slows cartilage degeneration.