Laser varicose veins treatment (phlebectomy), 1 leg

What is subcutaneous veins dilation of legs?

Chronic venous insufficiency of the legs is usually manifested by dilation of the subcutaneous veins in the legs (a varicose). It has been established, that every second woman and every fourth man has venous circulatory disorders of the legs of varying severity. For 70 - 80 percent of subcutaneous veins dilations the most important is the genetic factor – heredity. Also, venous insufficiency is more commonly found in women who have given birth and people over 50 years of age. More often the disease is associated with certain risk factors, such as working in a standing or sedentary position. People who are overweight also belong to this risk group.

How is this health disorder diagnosed?

Most people, especially women, complain of “ugly“ legs, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in them. Venous ultrasound examination is performed to determine the exact severity and cause of venous circulatory damage as well as to select treatment tactics - venous duplex scan of legs. This study assesses not only the condition of the subcutaneous but also the deep veins of the legs. In very rare cases, venography may be performed to determine the nature of the disease - radiological examination method to visualize blood vessels by injecting a special contrast agent into a vein.

What treatments could be performed for subcutaneous leg veins dilation?

Depending on the stage of the disease, conservative (medications, compression therapy) or surgery (open classical surgery or endovascular (intravenous)) methods of treatments may be applied. Often these methods of treatment are combined.

Conservative treatment - it is a treatment with medications, usually venotonics, that increase the tone of the vein walls in the legs. Also compression therapy - bandaging the legs with elastic bandages or wearing special elastic socks. These two methods are used to improve venous blood flow from the legs to the heart and reduce venous blood stasis in the lower parts of legs, as well as to stop the development of the disease.

If subcutaneous venous nodes are not large, however, a subcutaneous venous network is visible (cosmetic legs defect), sclerotherapy may be applied, t. i. the injection of a special medicine into a visible altered vein, in order to prevent the vein from functioning and its walls from expanding.
Surgical treatment is applied when the above-mentioned methods of treatment are insufficient or ineffective. This method of treatment is most effective when the cause of venous insufficiency - subcutaneous venous stem valves failure. Surgery can be performed by a traditional surgical method (a phlebectomy) or a less invasive intravenous method (a laser phlebectomy).
During laser leg veins surgery local anesthesia is applied, which is sometimes combined with intravenous anesthesia. Advantage of endovascular laser treatment method - the patient may be discharged home immediately after the surgery – there is no need for inpatient treatment. Both, laser and traditional subcutaneous leg veins surgeries - safe and painless. They are performed in accordance with the strict current requirements of cosmetic surgery. The results are good, the patient is incapacitated for only a very short period of time.

What are risks of subcutaneous varicose veins removal surgery?

Complications after leg subcutaneous veins removal surgeries are very rare. Possible are bleedings, damages of arteries, deep veins or nerves, infections. The most dangerous complication is deep vein thrombosis, which may result in pulmonary artery thromboembolism. Deep vein thrombosis is possible both, after classical venous removal and after laser surgery.

Why is it necessary to treat the subcutaneous veins dilation of legs?

As the disease progresses and the nodules in the leg veins dilate, increases not only cosmetic defect, discomfort in the legs, but inflammation with clots in the subcutaneous veins (thrombophlebitis) may also occur. In the long run, skin discoloration may occur for 10 percent of patients with dilated subcutaneous veins, and later non-healing trophic ulcers in the legs.

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