Preventive health examination program "For Women 40+"
Consultations of doctors
- An internal medicine doctor consultation. Summary of health check-up results, recommendations for lifestyle correction, if necessary - appointing treatment;
- A doctor ophthalmologist consultation. Collection of data (anamnesis) from the patient of possible eye disease, examination, determination of visual acuity, discussion of studies results, appointment of treatment, recommendations;
- A doctor obstetrician-gynecologist consultation. Collection of data (anamnesis) from the patient of possible gynecological disease, examination, discussion of studies results, appointment of treatment, recommendations;
- A doctor cardiologist consultation. Collection of data (anamnesis) from the patient of possible cardiac disease, examination, discussion of studies results, appointment of treatment, recommendations;
- A doctor neurologist consultation. Collection of data (anamnesis) from the patient of possible nervous system disease, examination, discussion of studies results, appointment of treatment, recommendations;
- A nutritionist consultation. Collection of data (anamnesis) from the patient of possible nutrition habits mistakes, that affect the current health condition/disease, body composition analysis, explanation of analysis results, further treatment discussion, recommendations.
Instrumental tests
- Resting electrocardiogram (ECG). Recording of cardiac electrical activity. Determination of cardiac diseases (myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmia and conduction disorders, etc.);
- Performed only after resting electrocardiogram. Assessment of cardiovascular status, determination of angina pectoris, myocardial ischemia, rhythm disorders, etc.);
- One-direction chest radiograph study (conducting research, collecting images, burning to CD). Evaluation of lungs, thoracic spine part, ribs, determination of lung diseases (lung cancer, inflammation, tuberculosis, etc.);
- Abdominal ultrasound (of hepatopancreatic system). Evaluation of internal organs (gallbladder, liver, pancreas, spleen), detection of their pathology;
- Thyroid ultrasound. Assessment of the thyroid structure;
- Breasts ultrasound with echograms. Evaluation of breast tissue, detection of breast diseases (mastopathy, cancer, etc.);
- Vascular double scan (brachiocephalic arteries). Ultrasound evaluation of cervical blood vessels. Early prevention of cerebrovascular disorders (brain stroke);
- Measurement of intraocular pressure. Glaucoma prevention;
- Study of body composition analysis. Determination of body composition (muscle, adipose tissue amount, abdominal area analysis, distribution of visceral (internal) fat in the abdominal area), segmental analysis of muscle and fat, biological age);
- Gynecological ultrasound with transvaginal transducer.
Laboratory analyses
- Complete blood count. Detection of bacterial and viral infections, anemia, suspicion of blood cancer, allergies, parasitic diseases;
- Clinical urine test. Determination of urinary tract infections and other diseases, suspicion of diabetes;
- Detection of diabetes, assessment of pancreas, liver, kidney and other organs diseases;
- Lipid metabolism disorders. Detailed evaluation of atherosclerosis risk (myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral circulatory disorders) and other (liver, pancreas, kidney, etc.) diseases;
- Bilirubin (total). Determination of liver diseases (hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis, cancer, etc.), blood diseases;
- Thyrotropin (TTH, TSH). Detection of thyroid diseases (inflammation, thyroid dysfunctions);
- Kidneys function assessment;
- Cytopathological vaginal and cervical smear. Detection of cervical dysplasia, cancer.
Please note do not eat anything for 8 hours before performing blood test and ultrasound study. It is important to remember that juice, tea, coffee, all the more so with sugar, are also foods. You can drink a small amount of water.