Removal of tonsils

Tonsils are two small glands located in the back of the throat, that house white blood cells to help fight infection. Tonsils play the most important function in childhood, when immunity is still developing and are less important in adulthood. If frequent chronic infections of the tonsils occur or enlarged tonsils obstruct breathing and cause sleep apnea, surgical treatment is recommended.

How the surgery is performed?

Surgery is performed under general anesthesia. During the surgery tonsils are cut out using a blade (scalpel) or a specialized surgical tool that uses heat or high-energy heat or sound waves to remove or destroy tissues and stop bleeding.

Postoperative period:

  • 4-5 days after surgery throat, ear, teeth or neck pain may be experienced, painkillers can be used;
  • A special diet (avoiding carbonated beverages and fruit juices, honey, nuts, salty, spicy, hot foods) is recommended for 3-5 days after surgery;
  • Avoid physical activities for 2 weeks after surgery;
  • Avoid baths, saunas and pools for 2 - 3 weeks after surgery.
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