Kardiolita Hospital News

Dr Ernest Zacharevskij's impressions of the EWMA 2023 conference in Italy

Dr Ernest Zacharevskij's impressions of the EWMA 2023 conference in Italy

"From a doctor's perspective, attending conferences like the EWMA (European Wound Management Association) Conference can offer numerous benefits. These conferences typically feature scientific presentations, keynote lectures, workshops, and poster sessions, covering a wide range of topics related to wound management. They provide an opportunity for doctors to enhance their understanding of evidence-based practices, new treatment modalities, and emerging technologies in the field of wound care", says Dr. Ernest Zacharevskij

By attending such conferences, doctors can gain insights into cutting-edge research, innovative therapies, and best practices for wound prevention, assessment, and treatment. They can learn from renowned experts, engage in discussions, and participate in hands-on workshops that focus on practical skills and techniques.

Dr. Ernest Zacharvskij states, "medical conferences also serve as platforms for networking and collaboration. Doctors can interact with peers, exchange experiences, and establish professional connections that can foster research collaborations or facilitate knowledge sharing even after the event concludes.

Furthermore, conferences often feature industry exhibitions where pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and other healthcare-related organizations showcase their products and services. This allows doctors to explore new wound care products, technologies, and treatment options, and evaluate their potential benefits for their patient."

Dr Ernest Zacharevsky emphasises that "attending the EWMA conference gave me the opportunity to meet and interact with renowned experts in the field. Through discussion groups and informal meetings, I was able to engage in meaningful conversations and receive excellent advice from experts who have dedicated their careers to improving wound care. The knowledge and insights gained from the interactions were invaluable and will undoubtedly influence my practice. I left the conference inspired, motivated and aware of new techniques that I believe will help improve the care provided to patients at Kardiolita Hospital".