Kardiolita Hospital News

Dr. Ernest Zacharevsky explains the gynaecomastia procedure for male patients

Dr. Ernest Zacharevsky explains the gynaecomastia procedure for male patients

Main causes of gynaecomastia

The enlargement of the mammary glands in men can be caused by reasons such as:

  • hormonal imbalance (excess estrogen),
  • pathological disorders of the body (disorders of the testicles, thyroid, liver or kidney function),
  • obesity,
  • tumours,
  • use of anabolic steroids or certain medications,
  • other causes.

Gynaecomastia due to severe overweight is called pseudogynaecomastia. Dietary regulation and sport can help to resolve this problem. However, if this disorder was caused by other reasons, the most effective solution is surgery for gynaecomastia.

How to recognise gynaecomastia?

Most often, this disorder of the male mammary glands occurs in both breasts, and sometimes in only one of them. Gynaecomastia can be detected by auscultation: in the centre of the breast, under the nipple, a firm, mobile and disc-like mass of tissue is felt. In contrast to a tumour, glandular tissue growth does not lead to skin lesions, lymph node enlargement, nipple discharge or hard, solid formations.

Gynaecomastia surgery

More and more men are opting for plastic surgery when faced with this disorder. It allows them to get rid of the discomfort associated with an unattractive aesthetic appearance and possible health problems. The operation involves the removal of the bulging glandular tissue under general anaesthesia. The procedure takes between 1 and 3 hours, depending on the individual condition. Incisions are made in the areola area. If the breasts are enlarged due to fatty tissue, liposuction is performed at the same time. Read more about the gynaecomastia surgery.

Healing and results

The first results are visible immediately after the surgery and the final results are visible after 2-3 months. It is recommended that the patient spends the day after the procedure in the clinic. After a week, a follow-up visit is scheduled for a plastic surgeon's check-up. The rehabilitation period is short and painless, with a low risk of complications. A return to work is usually possible after a week, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for at least a month. The sutures are removed after 10-14 days. A special corset is recommended for 4-6 weeks after gynaecomastia surgery.

Gynaecomastia can be effectively removed during surgery. The professional specialists of Kardiolita Hospital are ready to help you.