Kardiolita Hospital News

Pacemaker - an innovative device for treating heart problems

Pacemaker - an innovative device for treating heart problems

A pacemaker is a small device that generates electrical impulses to excite the heart muscle and keep the heart beating at a sufficient frequency. How does it change patients' quality of life?

Prof. habil. dr. Audrius Aidietis, a cardiologist who performs pacemaker implantation procedures at Kardiolita Clinics in Vilnius, explains that these small devices not only improve the patient's quality of life, preventing loss of consciousness, but often also increase the patient's energy levels and exercise tolerance, which is the result of a restored heart rate.

The pacemaker implantation procedure is completely painless and is usually performed under local anaesthesia. The duration of the procedure depends on the type of device and can range from 30-60 minutes, to 1.5-2 hours for more complex pacemakers. After the procedure, the patient can get up and walk around the same day, and can return to full life in a couple of weeks.

Today's pacemakers are very modern and have very few restrictions on life. You can even have an MRI scan with it, of course, after informing the specialist carrying out the scan.

It is important to note that pacemakers require regular check-ups and programming, so the first follow-up visit should take place after 1-3 months and then once a year.
